Trump vs. Twitter – Why the Internet Needs a Reform

Social media platforms have reached an enormous power over public discourse and over how we form our opinions. The influence by a few big players such as Facebook or Twitter has become disproportionate and raises the question: Do we want that some companies have such a considerable power? Have they become too powerful?

Do we need a Corona-App, or does it need us?

Despite all reassurances about data privacy and provisions that it should be voluntary and limited to a single purpose, I feel uneasy about the corona tracing-app. I am surprised about the continued blind faith in technology, despite all the signs of the last years that we should be more cautious. The pandemic doesn't seem to have changed our mindset after all. 

Nora Bossongs ‚Schutzzone‘ – Rezension

Nora Bossongs jüngster Roman Schutzzone erzählt von einer UN-Mitarbeiterin, Mira Weidner, die nach Stationen in New York und Burundi in Genf arbeitet, tagsüber Berichte durcharbeitet, und am Abend in Luxushotels zwischen hochrangigen Regierungsvertretern in Konflikten vermittelt. Die Begegnung mit Milan, einem Freund aus Kindheitszeiten, bei dessen Familie sie als Kind nach der Scheidung ihrer Eltern... Continue Reading →

The Fall of Goulard – Weber’s revenge?

After the French Commissioner designate Sylvie Goulard was rejected by the European Parliament, commentators speculate that this move was crafted by the EPP's Manfred Weber in a move of retaliation against Macron. I argue however that it is rather due to Goulard's unconvincing performance during the parliamentary hearings and that the decision to dismiss her may strengthen the European Parliament.

Didier Eribon‘s ‚Retour à Reims‘ – A Review

Book of September - Didier Eribon‘s autobiographic novel is an insightful story of social emancipation which offers a very lucid account of the developments of the French working class, the rise of the extreme right among these voters, and more generally about social determination and how to overcome it.

Sophie Passmanns ‚Alte Weiße Männer‘ – Ein Kurzkommentar

Buch im August: Sophie Passmanns ‚Alte Weiße Männer‘ ist ein unterhaltsames Buch, das dazu einlädt über die Rolle von Männern im Feminismus nachzudenken. Der Ansatz des Buchs ist interessant, aber die Umsetzung noch nicht ganz überzeugend. Was ich von Männern halte, die sich selber als Feministen beschreiben, erfahrt ihr am Ende.

Should we become more Republican?

The idea of a republic that emerged during the modern revolutions of the 18th century is getting more fashionable. But what does it actually imply? Hannah Arendt presents us an encompassing understanding of Republicanism which implies more than just a form of political organisation, but also a conception that values politics as an essential human activity.

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